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Dual citizenship gains traction as one gets the best of two worlds

It provides a safe haven, tax and professional benefits and travel perks

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Dual citizenship gains traction as one gets the best of two worlds

30 Dec 2023 4:30 AM GMT

As a legal citizen of two countries, you would be able to purchase property in either—or both—countries. If you travel frequently between the two countries, this might be especially useful since property ownership might offer a more economical way to live in two places

The Constitution does not allow holding Indian citizenship and citizenship of a foreign country simultaneously. However, based on the recommendation of the High Level committee on Indian Diaspora, the Government of India decided to grant Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) commonly known as ‘dual citizenship’. Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) of certain category as has been specified in the brochure, who migrated from India and acquired citizenship of a foreign country other than Pakistan and Bangladesh, are eligible for grant of OCI as long as their home countries allow dual citizenship in some form or the other under their local laws.

Dual citizens enjoy certain benefits, such as the ability to live and work freely in two countries, own property in both countries and travel between the countries with relative ease. Not every country recognizes dual citizenship, and you may need to renounce your birth citizenship to become a citizen of a new country.

Investors choose to pursue dual citizenship for many different reasons; every situation is different. However, no matter the reason for seeking dual citizenship, applicants – if approved – get to experience all the benefits offered. Citizenship in another country usually comes with rights to live, work, and do business in that country, as well as access to all the resources provided to natural-born citizens of the country.

The specific benefits of dual citizenship will vary based on the country an applicant is seeking citizenship in, but many of the overarching themes are similar. Dual citizenship can provide a safe haven, tax benefits, travel perks, professional benefits, and more.

With the ever-increasing geopolitical tensions around the world, a worsening climate reality, and more, dual citizenship can offer a safety net to families. Though it is never a fun decision to make, being able to get to a safe place, put down roots and quickly become integrated into a new country is much easier when dual citizenship is already taken care of. No matter what an applicant’s reason is for seeking dual citizenship, this is one of the primary benefits.

In some cases, countries will offer participants in citizenship by investment programs special tax breaks and other financial incentives. Even if tax breaks are not offered through a certain program, holding dual citizenship in a country with more favourable tax laws is often a significant benefit for many families to secure their wealth. Dual citizens can participate fully in the political life of every country where they have citizenship. This includes the right to vote and contest elections and the right to make donations to political candidates.

Unlike foreigners, dual citizens do not require a visa or permit to visit the countries where they have citizenship and they can stay for as long as they like. They also have the right to seek work in both countries, while foreigners must pass through a lengthy process to get a work permit. They are also exempt from any restrictions on foreign businesspeople. Dual citizens can receive the benefits and privileges offered by each country where they are a citizen. For example, they may travel to receive medical treatment or procedures that are not available in the other country of their citizenship. They can also receive an education at the same price as do domestic students.

Another benefit of dual citizenship is the ability to own property in either country. Some countries restrict land ownership to citizens only. As a legal citizen of two countries, you would be able to purchase property in either—or both—countries. If you travel frequently between the two countries, this might be especially useful since property ownership might offer a more economical way to live in two places.

As a dual citizen, you'll reap the benefits of being immersed in the culture of the two countries. Some government officials are also fond of dual citizenship and see it as a way to promote the country's image as a prime destination for tourists. It offers individuals the opportunity to learn about the history of both countries, learn two (or more) languages, and experience a different way of life.

A vast majority of people who reside in another country yearn to come back or at least contemplate the thought of whether returning is a good option financially and socially. As time passes during their stay abroad, many formalize their stay by applying for citizenship to get a sense of belonging and focus on other aspects of life.

The proposal for dual citizenship should include few safeguards to make sure misuse is minimized and threats to sovereignty and national security can be addressed.

Dual Citizenship Overseas Citizenship of India Persons of Indian Origin Benefits of Dual Citizenship Investors and Dual Citizenship Tax Benefits Political Rights Freedom of Movement Property Ownership Cultural Immersion 
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